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How to Keep Your Baby Safe From Mould

Posted by Admin | 05 Jan
Keeping your baby's feeding equipment clean is an important part of your daily routine. However, mould can build up in dirty bottles, utensils, and other items that your baby uses. This may cause your child to have stomach upsets, diarrhoea, or other symptoms. If your baby has ingested mould, it's important to contact your doctor immediately. The resulting symptoms can be similar to food poisoning. Your doctor can give you advice on how to treat the infection and when to take your baby to the hospital.
The type of mould that grows on your baby's equipment can be harmful. This is especially true if your baby has an allergy or has asthma. To keep your equipment safe, you should wash it with water and disinfect it with bleach.
In addition to cleaning your equipment, you should inspect it regularly for wear. If you find mold in crevices or cracks, you should remove it. You may need to remove it before washing the item. If you cannot remove the mould, you should throw it away.
Another way to prevent mold is to dry the items. You can rinse the toy in warm water and then let it dry. If the toy is squeaky, you can add a vinegar solution to it and soak it for a few minutes. This will help get rid of the smell. You can also use a solution of white vinegar and water to loosen the mould. You can then use a special nipple brush to scrub the mould off.
If you can't completely remove the mould, you can sterilize the bottle or nipple. Some parents may choose to toss a moldy bottle. This helps eliminate the risk of the toxins escaping into your baby's food. If you want to reuse the bottle, you can sanitize it before putting it in the dishwasher.
When you buy a baby product, you should always make sure that it is made of high-quality materials. You will also need to pay attention to the details of the design. If there are any holes or holes that can collect moisture, you should plug them. You can also check the labels for any warnings about the type of material the toy is made from. You can avoid purchasing products that contain lead or other chemicals.
If you have any concerns about the quality of the mould or the materials that were used in the manufacture of the product, you can contact the manufacturer and ask about their warranty. Most manufacturers will offer a one-year warranty, but you can find out more information by searching online.
You can also order a nipple that is customized. These pacifiers are made with a special non-toxic gel-like substance, and the color and texture will match your baby's natural breast. The nipple can be shaped to match your baby's ear. The nipple can be made in various sizes, and you can choose from a variety of designs and colors.

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